5th Edition

New Hymn Additions

  1. All Depends on Our Possessing (ALLES IST AN GOTTES SEGEN) 88 78 87
  2. Alleluia, Alleluia (ALLELUIA SONG) 77 77
  3. All Hail the Power of Jesus Name (MILES LANE) 868 with Refrain
  4. As Longs the Deer (MARTYRDOM) 77 77 4
  5. At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing (SONNE DER GERECHTIGKEIT) 77 77 4
  6. Awake My Heart with Gladness (AUF, AUF, MEIN HERZ) 76 76 66 66
  7. Blessed Be the God of Israel (FOREST GREEN) CMD
  8. Blest Are the Pure in Heart (FRANCONIA) SM
  9. Bread of Heaven on Thee We Feed (JESU, JESU DU MEIN HIRT) 77 77 77
  10. Brightest and Best (STAR IN THE EAST) 11 10 11 10 with Refrain
  11. Christ the Fair Glory (ANTIPHONER) 11 11 11 5
  12. Christ the Life of All the Living (JESU, MEINES LEBENS LEBEN) 87 87 88 77
  13. Christ When For Us You Were Baptized (CAITHNESS) CM
  14. Come, Risen Lord and Deign to Be Our Guest (SURSUM CORDA) 10 10 10 10
  15. Come, Thou Precious Ransom, Come (MEINEN JESUM LASS’ ICH NICHT) 78 78 77
  16. Dear Lord and Father of Mankind (REPTON) 86 88 6
  17. Dost Thou in a Manger Lie (DIES EST LAETATIAE) 76 76 775 775
  18. Draw Near and Take (SONG 46) 10 10
  19. Father, We Praise Thee (CHRISTE SANCTORUM) 11 11 11 5
  20. Give Thanks to God for He is Good (WAS GOTT TUT DAS IST WOHLGETAN) 87 87 887
  21. Gloria Tibe, Domine (GLORIA TIBI DOMINE)
  22. God Alone (TYLKO W BOGU)
  23. God Himself is With Us (TYSK) 668 668 666
  24. God Is My Strong Salvation (CHRISTUS DER IST MEIN LEBEN) 76 76
  25. God of All Mercy, Lord Above (THE KING’S MAJESTY) LM
  26. God of Gods, We Sound His Praises (IN BABILONE) 87 87 88 87
  27. God the Omnipotent (RUSSIA) 11 10 11 9
  28. Hail Day Whereon the One in Three (SARUM CHANT MODE IV) LM
  29. Hail, O Star of Ocean (AVE MARIS STELLA) 66 66
  30. He Whose Brave Witness (ISTE CONFESSOR/ROUEN) 11 11 11 5
  31. Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face to Face (NYACK) 10 10 10 10
  32. I Bind Unto Myself This Day (ST. PATRICK’S BREASTPLATE) 88 88 98 98
  33. I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (THIRD MODE MELODY) CMD
  34. I Receive the Living God (LIVING GOD) 7 7 7 7 with Refrain
  35. I To the Hills (BURFORD) CM
  36. I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light (HOUSTON) Irregular With Refrain
  37. If Thou But Trust in God to Guide Thee (WER NUR DEN LIEBEN GOTT) 98 98 88
  38. In the Shadow of Thy Wings (U CIEBIE BOZE)
  39. It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (ENGLISH MELODY) CMD
  40. Jesus, Our Mighty Lord (MONK’S GATE) 11 11 12 11
  41. Jesus Still Lead On (SEELENBRAUTIGAM/ROCHELLE) 55 88 55
  42. Let Us With a Gladsome Mind (MONKLAND) 77 with Refrain
  43. Like a Deer that Longs for Water (DUSZA MOJA)
  44. Lord in Your Mercy, Purify and Cleanse Me (STWORZ O MOJ BOZE)
  45. Lord Jesus Christ, Thou Has Prepared (DU LEBENSBROT, HERR JESU CHRIST) 87 87 887
  46. Lord Jesus Christ, Thou Living Bread (HERR, WIE DU WILLST) 87 87 87
  47. Mary Immaculate, Star of the Morning (LIEBSTER IMMANUEL) 11 10 11 10
  48. May Choirs of Angels (CHRISTUS, DER IST MEIN LEBEN) 76 76
  49. My God, Accept My Heart this Day (CHESHIRE) CM
  50. Now Let Us All With One Accord (JESU DULCIS MEMORIA) LM
  51. Now My Tongue the Mystery Telling (GRAFTON) 87 87 87
  52. Now, On Land and Sea Descending (VESPER HYMN) 87 87 86 87
  53. O Be Glad, My Soul, Rejoice (FREU DICH SEHR) 77 77 with Refrain
  54. O Be Joyful in the Lord (FINLAY) 77 77 57 67
  55. O Lord, You Are My God (ALBERTA) 10 4 10 4 10 10
  56. O Praise Our Great and Gracious Lord (ROCKPORT) CMD
  57. O Praise Our Great and Gracious Lord (SIXTH TUNE) CMD
  58. O Saving Victim (HERR JESU CHRIST) LM
  59. O Taste and See that God is Good (DUNDEE) CM
  60. O That I Had a Thousand Voices (O DASS ICH TAUSEND)
  61. O Thou the Heav’n’s Eternal King (DEUS TUORUM MILITUM) LM
  62. O Thou Who Camest from Above (HEREFORD) LM
  63. O What Their Joy and Their Glory Must Be (PARIS ANTIPHONER) 10 10 10 10
  64. O Zion Haste (TIDINGS) 11 10 11 10 with Refrain
  65. One House in Every Nation (EIN HAUS VOLL GLORIE SCHAUET) 76 76 with Refrain
  66. Praise the Lord through Every Nation (WACHET AUF) Irregular
  67. Rejoice, My Soul and Bless the Lord (NORTHBROOK) 11 10 11 10
  68. Rich in Mercy (MILOSIERNY PAN I LASKAWY)
  69. Rise Up O Men of God (FESTAL SONG) 66 86
  70. Sing Alleluia Forth (MARTINS) 10 10 7
  71. Sing My Tongue the Glorious Battle (FORTUNATUS NEW) 87 87 87
  72. Sing of Mary (RAQUEL) 87 87 D
  73. Soul of My Savior (STULIGROSZ) 10 10 10 10
  74. Take My Life and Let it Be (SAVANNAH) 77 77
  75. Tell Out My Soul (WOODLANDS) 10 10 10 10
  76. The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came (GABRIEL’S MESSAGE) Irregular
  77. The Lord is King (PEARSALL) LM
  78. The Love of Christ Compels Us (MILUJCIE SIE WZAJEMNIE)
  79. Thine is the Glory (MACCABAEUS) 55 65 65 65
  80. This is the Day (RENDEZ A DIEU) 98 98 D
  81. Thou Art the Star of Morning (JE SAI, VIERGE MARIE) 11 11 with Refrain
  82. Though I May Speak (O WALY WALY) LM
  83. Through the Red Sea, Brought At Last (STRAF MICH’NIGHT) 7 4 7 4 6 7 4
  84. Virgin Born, We Bow Before Thee (PSALM 86 (MON DIEU PRETE MOI) 88 77
  85. Watchman, Tell Us of the Night (ABERYSTWYTH) 77 77
  86. We Hail Thy Presence Glorious (OFFERTORIUM) 76 76
  87. When Peace Like a River (VILLE DU HAVRE) 11 8 11 9 with Refrain
  88. Ye Servants of God (PADERBORN) 10 10 11 11
  89. You Are God, We Praise You (CHWALA TOBIE BOZE)