About the Editors

Linda Schafer
Linda is a long-time parishioner of St. Boniface Parish and resident of Lafayette, IN. She is the mother of six and grandmother of twenty-five. After her conversion to the Catholic Church many years ago, she became interested in the teachings of the Second Vatican Council regarding the reform of the sacred liturgy. For the past thirty years, she has worked both at the local level, as director of music at St. Boniface Parish, and on a much larger scale, as the creator and editor of the St. Michael Hymnal, to help bring about the authentic reform of the sacred liturgy desired by the Council Fathers and by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

Fr. Michael O’Connor, O.P.
Fr. Michael is a member of the Dominican Order in the Province of St. Joseph. Originally from Peru, IL. He teaches at Providence College, RI. He has been involved in sacred music for many years as an organist, singer and composer. Convinced of Benedict XVI’s belief that the renewal of the sacred liturgy is at the heart of the renewal of the Church, Fr. Michael is committed to preaching the truth of Jesus Christ and to letting the beauty of this truth shine forth in the Church’s liturgy and rich tradition of sacred music.